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BoX2 base v2, pro (SC), extreme (SC), (pro motion)


To be able to configure the BoX2 device, the following software might be required:

  • iX Developer


    Not applicable for BoX2 pro motion.

  • BCS Tools for BoX2 with CODESYS Runtime.

How to Set the IP Address in BoX2

Changing the IP address on a BoX2 device can be done through our BoX2 Configuration Tool or by editing a JSON-file manually. For instructions on manually editing the JSON-file, see the following chapter.

Manually Editing the JSON-file


On BoX2 pro SC, BoX2 pro motion and BoX2 extreme SC, if the EtherCAT driver is enabled, LAN A is used for EtherCAT only.

LAN B is for programming and communication.

Follow these steps to edit the network settings on a BoX2 base v2, BoX2 pro (incl. motion) and BoX2 extreme:

  1. Download and extract this zip-file on your computer.

    The zip-file and instructions can also be found here.

  2. Edit the JSON-file to change the network settings.

    In the following example, IP-address on LAN B is changed:

    Original content in JSON-file:

        "Number": "6",      
        "Enabled": true,      
        "Command": "LAN B IP",      
        "Entry": [        
        "Comment": ""

    Edited content in JSON-file:

        "Number": "6",      
        "Enabled": true,      
        "Command": "LAN B IP",      
        "Entry": [        
        "Comment": ""    


    "Enabled" must be set to 'true' for the change to take effect.

    Several settings can be changed at the same time, but they must all be set to 'true'.


    Do not change the file name.

  3. Put "BoX2ConfigSet.json" on a USB flash drive or SD card and connect it to your BoX2 device.

    This will immediately update the network settings. When the change is done the LED on the BoX2 will change temporarily to a red flash.

  4. A log file will be created on the USB flash drive, this can be used to verify that the setting was changed. Example:

    "New result file input
    Time: 2000-5-28 21:32:37
    LAN B set IP:
    Adapter rebind LAN B successful"

The network settings have been updated.